Continuing with what I started in the previous post, I thought I'd carry on with Alan Moore, for he seemed to have hit on the ideas I was thinking of before I saw the movie.
When he was writing "V" for Vendetta, he considered the theme of cameras on every corner to be the perfect way to represent a fascist state. Ironically, by the late 1990's, cameras on every corner became the reality in Great Britain. Here in the U.S., we have not achieved that level, and frankly, I am more concerned about the waste of tax money in achieving such a thing than the loss of privacy.
That's right.
Working overseas on a U.S. military base got me used to cameras everywhere. It was really not that big a deal. I was never doing anything of interest to the police, so mainly I just didn't care. The most irritating thing about security cameras was finding places to make out with one's girlfriend (or boyfriend, as the case may be), and what was funny was that the watchers loved to watch that kind of thing. I know this because one of my best friends was one of the guys in the security room. From him I learned that if you wanted to commit a crime, all you had to do was distract the watchers, and that was easily done, for they were all terribly bored.
I also learned about all the hidden spots the cameras couldn't cover, and that was almost everywhere.
So it was all just a waste of time and money.
Am I wrong? Is that just what "they" want us to think?
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